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- Kathryn Curtiss Herriman was the most wonderful mother and human being -- thoughtful, wise, and fun to be with! To write about her in a nutshell would be hard to do! Whatever she did, she put 125% effort into it, and received many letters of commendaton (letters that I have). She was so smart in writing “jingles” and wrote a 52-page memories of South Haven, Michigan, at the turn-of-the-century. I kthink it is wonderful!
Due to my dad’s health (sinus trouble), they were separated for ten years during the Depression. He had to move to Denver (dry climate), and it took him that long to get settled in a business. Meanwhile, my mother had a good, secure teaching job in Gary, Indiana (about 1927-1937). She taught Auditorium (speech, music, drama, etc.) Each summer she and I would go to Denver, intending to stay; but she couldn’t get a teaching job in Denver, as they wouldn’t hire married women teachers!! (Depression). The letters she received from the Gary school system were a great tribute to her (the letters are in my possession.)
When we finally reunited in Denver (for good), my mother joined the Womens Club, taking a class in Parliamentory Law. She mastered that so fast that she eventually taught it at the Club.
Without getting into reason why, during World II, she taught officers and enlisted men at Lowry Field in Denver--machine guns, cannons, chemical warfare, and all the armament on the B-29s, etc. I told her once how smart I thought she was; but she said she wasn’t--that she just put more than 100% into her job! Again, I have many wonderful letters she received from Colonels, Majors, etc. I was always impressed that when one of her classes became obsolee, another job would be created for her. I was sooo proud of her!
In addition to all of her accomplishmens, she taught Bridge, and started National Bridge Clubs in various cities whee she and my dad moved. From one of their bridge clubs in Texas, they were asked to be managers of the Pampa Cou ntry Club, where they were until they retired, and “followed” Johnny and me to Edmonds, Washington.
She was an unusual and great lady, and loved by all who knew her--especially my dad and me!